Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just Getting Started!

Testing 1, 2, 3...

This is my first time doing a blog! I think I have it all set up, but am sure I will be changing things around once I get the hang of how this site works. I just wanted to see what it was all about before I begin my "real" blogs about my journey to becoming an Elementary School Teacher. :-)

"Repeat the Beat" is a rhythm game that I love playing with elementary school children. At first, I was quite shy as I don't consider myself a very rhythmic person. Seriously, I don't. But, once I saw how much a class of 26 students loved it, I became more comfortable as they always asked me to play this game. It is a great activity that is quick, especially when you need the attention of many students! "Repeat the Beat" is simple. You make a rhythm using your hands, fingers, feet, head, you name it! You start of easy by clapping 2 times and then stomping one foot. Once they repeat your rhythm, you do another rhythm. You gradually increase the difficulty depending on the students age and abilities. I love it!

Until next time... Happy Learning!

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